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Services on Friday night and the eve of festivals begin at 7:30 pm and usually last for 45 minutes to an hour, including a brief sermon. On Shabbat and festival mornings we begin at 9:00 am and usually conclude, after a sermon or Torah study, at around 11:15-11:30 am. Following services, both in the evening and the morning, we conclude with a (usually light) kiddush.

Please check our Calendar Page for the schedule of any upcoming holiday services, as well as special events and announcements.

For those members who join our services via Zoom and would like to follow in the siddur we are currently using, here are PDF files of the relevant parts of the service:

  • On Friday nights we begin with Kabbalat Shabbat, followed by Ma'ariv for Shabbat.

  • On the evenings that begin a festival we turn to Ma'ariv for festivals.

  • On Shabbat morning we begin with Birkot Hashachar and P'sukei D'zimra, followed by Sh'ma and its blessings, followed by the Amidah for Shabbat, followed by the Torah Service, and conclude with the Musaf for Shabbat. (Warning: Some of these files are rather large, particularly the P'sukei D'zimra file).

  • On festival mornings (including festivals on Shabbat) we begin with Birkot Hashachar and P'sukei D'zimra, followed by Sh'ma and its blessings, followed by the Amidah for festivals, followed by the Torah Service, and conclude with the Musaf for festivals.

  • Also available for download is the Yizkor Booklet which we used throughout the Hebrew year 5783. For technical reasons it's been difficult to design the current (5784) booklet in uploadable format, but the 5783 booklet is identical in the prayers pages. Neither booklets include the additional El Malei Rachamim prayer the rabbi chanted on April 30th to commemorate the victims of October 7th.

    Our congregation is affiliated with the Conservative movement, and our services are conducted in a fairly traditional mode: Prayers are recited predominantly in Hebrew in traditional style, the full Torah portion is read on Shabbat and holiday mornings, we do not use musical instruments on Shabbat or Yom Tov, and women generally refrain from taking aliyot. On the other hand we have mixed seating, with no separation of men and women. We welcome people of all backgrounds and religious styles (who have not come to proselytize) to join us in prayer and to socialize with us at the kiddush following services.

    Our prayer leaders are shlichei tzibbur (congregational representatives), rather than professionally trained cantors. Consequently, the style of service is less ornate than the more baroque cantorial style one often hears in large congregations, and congregants are welcome to sing along.

    Non-members are encouraged to attend services anytime and check us out. We only ask that you act respectfully and dress appropriately. (For instance, on shabbat and holidays we ask that you turn off all cell phones and electronic devices, unless required for medical or emergency purposes). Needless to say, with the exception of high holidays, no tickets or advance reservations are required to attend services. Please come visit!

    Pursuant to our discussions about women being counted in a minyan, a 2002 responsum by the Rabbinical Assembly's Committee on Jewish Law and Standards (the main hallakhic arm of the Conservative Movement) is available to read or download by clicking here.

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